Want to get access to my service brochure?

I know that most folks find it incredibly helpful to look through my service brochure before scheduling a meeting with me, so if you'd like to do just that, you can fill in your first name and email below and it'll be sent to you. 

Please note that all of my prices are on my website, so if you'd rather not submit your first name and email, then you can just head there to look. The service brochure is simply a one-stop shop to see exactly what services I offer and where my prices start. It's not a scammy "I'm going to hide my prices until you give me your email" tactic, that's not how I roll. But to automate some stuff in my business, this is the most effective way to do things (ps— this is my zone of genius, so if you're looking at ways to get back some of your time, I've got you 😉). 

With that being said, if you have questions or aren't sure what service would fit you best after reading through that brochure, please schedule a discovery call. Going back and forth via email is not how I work most efficiently.

If you find exactly what you're looking for (or if you just want to send over a quick question before you move forward), feel free to just let me know and I can give you the next steps. If you send me an email and I do not immediately reply, rest assured I have received it and will reply as soon as I have the availability to do so. 

PS- Double-check that you've typed your full name and email into the boxes correctly. If the email is wrong, you will not receive the service brochure. 

Please note that by submitting the form, you will receive an email from me and will be added to my newsletter mailing list. I don't send spam, I email 1-2x/month, and you can unsubscribe if you want. Never any hard feelings here. As I said above, this is how I automate a lot of things in my business. I can help you do that, too ;)