Exclusive monthly retainer-based services
My retainer clients always have first-dibs access to me and will always have time blocked on my schedule for their work. If you’re someone who wants to consistently outsource backend tasks and have someone like me in their back pocket, this service is a great option for you.
Being a retainer client of mine will give you the potential to save thousands of dollars over the course of a year. Not to mention, having someone you can trust on your team is priceless.
You deserve to do what you love, I’ll do the other stuff.
I’d love to be on your team.
My retainer clients would be the first to tell you that being a part of this program feels so damn good because you have access to me every single month. Imagine a world where you never had to research the answers to your questions or blindly trust a stranger with your baby (your biz, of course).
My retainer membership focuses on exactly what you need— no two retainer clients need the same services from me, which is what makes these packages so special.
I do everything except for Facebook and Google Ads (and I’m 1000% serious).
The best part is that by adding me to your team, I’m able to do the job that you would have hired 6+ people for. Most service providers in my industry don’t mingle between tech and websites and photography and, and, and…
Retainer seats are limited and are first-come, first-served, and waitlist-based.
Monthly Retainer benefits
Prioritized service to complete the tasks on your to-do list (you won’t have to move it to next month over and over again) and a discounted hourly rate if you need more time.
You instantly have an in-house web designer, tech expert, copywriter, photographer, and a real human who understands your biz
You will gain back countless hours of time in your days so you can do more both inside and outside of your biz (hallalujah!)
What tasks do for my retainer-based clients?
Essentially it’s everything but Google and social ads, for now. While the complete list would be exhausting, I figure I'll give you a quick list of things that I frequently do for my clients.
...and also, you may be thinking: Lex, I know I need some of this stuff but I want your expertise in deciding. Don't worry, I've got you there, too.
Website maintenance
Website audit + optimization
Copywriting/copy editing for your website
Launch planning: emails, landing page, etc.
Building out online courses and programs
PDF/ebook building
Email marketing system management, creation, optimization
Podcast/media pitch sheets
SEO for websites, YouTube, etc.
EMR optimization Online apparel store organization
Client handouts for in-clinic
Powerpoint design
Website buildout: Kajabi, Squarespace
Systems automation and development
Optimization of systems
Tech teaching/education
Canva templates for social media and more
Design services for podcast cover art, Instagram highlights, graphics for advertisements, etc.
Business cards
Retainer Packages and Pricing
Prioritized support for up to 3 hours of work
Task completion each month based on your to-do list
Monthly Zoom to review task list and completion schedule so we are always in touch and on the same page with options to complete work over Zoom together 1:1
Support via Voxer, email, and/or WhatsApp as needed to streamline task completion
$697 per month (save $200 off hourly rate)
Prioritized support for up to 5 hours of work
Task completion each month based on your to-do list
Monthly Zoom to review task list and completion schedule so we are always in touch and on the same page with options to complete work over Zoom together 1:1
Support via Voxer, email, and/or WhatsApp as needed to streamline task completion
$897 per month
Fill out an application
Please note: spots open up every few months, but I cannot guarantee I will haven an opening for you. Once you submit the form, I’ll let you know where you’re at on the waitlist as well as when a potential start date will be.