Best EMR for physical therapy practices: As told by a PT


As a physical therapist who is starting a clinic or has an existing physical therapy clinic, you know how important an EMR system (electronic medical record) is inside of your clinic.

As a previous clinic owner and PT myself, the best EMR for physical therapy practice owners...

  1. Is easy to use for the clinician, administrative staff, and patients

  2. Allows for seamless online booking for patients and has a patient portal

  3. Can store credit cards to make checkout easy for all

  4. Gives you the ability for customization of pretty much everything (intake forms, documentation forms, receipts, emails, online scheduling, etc.)

  5. Has the ability for administrative tasks like billing processes and more

  6. Is HIPAA compliant and web based

  7. Has amazing customer service (heavy emphasis here!)

If you're reading this blog, you probably want to know the best physical therapy EMR software. You're in the right place.

Inside this blog, we're going to talk about the best EMR for physical therapy practices, according to me, a PT who specializes in tech and backend systems for physical therapists and a previous pt practice owner myself (and spoiler alert: I have a discount code for you).

The best EMR for Physical Therapy Practice Owners: JaneApp

If you're familiar with me and my podcast, you know how much I love JaneApp. While they are an EMR for physical therapists, they also work with many other healthcare professionals.

As a PT practice owner and tech systems manager for other practices, I have used many EMRs over the years and can confidently say that JaneApp is the best, both for functionality and price, which is important for business owners.

Features I love about JaneApp EMR:

When considering technology and software for our business, it's important to understand what the features of the software are and what problems those features solve/prevent from arising.

Here are my favorite features inside of JaneApp:

  1. The ability to customize your online booking page. You're able to customize your online booking page to allow for maximal patient engagement and minimal confusion. You can separate/categorize your appointments that are bookable by different disciplines, different age groups, different types of treatments you have, and more.

  2. The ability to send out invoices to patients with a button that allows them to "click and pay". Honestly, this feature is the best. If a patient doesn't pay up-front or when they are at their appointment, you can easily send them an invoice to their email that they can simply "click to pay". Easy and efficient.

  3. Templates exist for intake forms and documentation. You never have to start from scratch with JaneApp. If you have your own intake forms, amazing. The builder is SO easy to use, so you can build your own. But if you don't want to start from scratch, you can use existing templates and then customize them accordingly.

  4. Intake forms are automated. When someone books a session, intake forms are sent automatically to them and reminders are sent as well. All of the intake paperwork is virtual and is placed inside their patient record inside of Jane and is easily accessible at any time.

  5. Documenting and scheduling are fast. There are built-in features that allow you to be efficient with documentation and scheduling, which helps provide the best patient care. When we're able to be efficient with documenting, we can spend more time with our patients during the session. Win-Win.

  6. Customer service is unparalleled. With JaneApp, you can guarantee that you'll have access to the best, most polite, and most responsive customer care team. I have never been disappointed by this team's ability to help me and my clients over the phone and via their chat feature.

How to switch to, or start using, JaneApp

When it comes to EMRs, understand that you cannot replace the "learning" time. There is always a learning curve, and it's best when you embrace it and plan for it.

If you are planning on switching to JaneApp, they make it incredibly easy. All you need to do is book your initial call with them and they'll walk you through the process.

I would plan to set aside a month to ensure that all of your forms, online booking, and the like are ready. The good news, you can get one month free of Jane with my code: LEX1MO (while I do not get a kickback, I am an ambassador for Jane and they do sponsor my podcast).

By using that code, you'll get one month free, which gives you plenty of time to set up and learn the software before switching or before your clinic opens, if you're just starting your practice.

At the end of the day, EMRs should make our lives easier as clinicians and JaneApp does a fantastic job of doing just that.

You can book a demo with JaneApp here if you want to see all of the features in action. And don't forget, LEX1MO gets you one month free for JaneApp.

And if you're looking for maximal customization within JaneApp and want to work together to make it happen, feel free to check out my coaching call and discovery call options.

  1. Done-for-you tech

  2. Book a Discovery Call

  3. Book a Demo with Jane!

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