Episode 4: Six Things that Building a House Has Reiterated to Me About Business

In 2022, my ex husband and I were blessed to build our dream home. Throughout the process, I made notes on lessons that were reitrated to me in regards to being a business owner and a consumer.

While you've likely heard most of these before, I hope you are able to take away one of these and think about a way you can apply it to your business to make your consumer experience better.

What we talk about:

  1. Our story behind building the house (some behind the scenes life stuff)

  2. Understanding the process in full and knowing exactly what is supposed to happen next 

  3. Being up front with prices, overestimate if anything 

  4. You can’t expect everything to always go as planned, there will be a ton of adversity that you have no choice but to deal with.. it happens 

  5. Being subject to waiting times and understanding that the faster option is not always best 

  6. Cheaper does not mean better

  7. Invest money into the important stuff and cut back on the things that aren’t as important to you 

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Episode 5: Squarespace: Why I Love It and Instances When I Wouldn't Use It


Episode 3: What to Know About Logo Design and Hiring a Logo Designer